Monday, April 27, 2009

Love in Action - More Than a Seminar

During the month of February, most Christian churches usually conduct couple's fellowship with dinner and seminar to celebrate the theme "love". Most sermons and topics being discussed in the pulpit centered on this theme whether relationship to the brethren or to the family but mostly, to husbands and wives. A wife invited her unbeliever husband to a date without mentioning that it is a dinner fellowship to be held beside a church with invited speakers known to be holding lecture/seminar on love, courtship and marriage. The venue is very much arranged and well-prepared just like having a garden wedding: with round tables centered with beautiful flower arrangement and a very long tables for buffet dinner. A tarpaulin with pictures and artworks which speaks of the theme serves as the backdrop for the flat stage. At the far right of the stage while sitting among the round tables, the ushering table was positioned where coming guest participants still arrives from work. While the pastor started introducing his piece, the wife listens attentively to the sermon but she cann't help sneaking sideways observing her unbeliever husband, as if verifying if he's paying attention to the message . Much to her surpise, her husband's eyes glances most of the time to the remaining arriving guests and as the wife observes, her husband's attention was caught not much by the pastor's speech but was focus more to the ushering personnel as she observes how the ushers and other program coordinators welcomes the brethren with such warmth and love as they greet, laugh, hug, kiss and shake hands as if they meet again after so may years of being apart. Truly the seminar is not just about lectures on biblical principles about love, courtship and marriage, but it showcased the actual evidences of fellow believers' Christ's love in action. AMEN!!!


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