Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Treats for Treat

February is known to be a month of love. The Christian community take this as an opportunity to hold couple's fellowship, dinner for a cause or seminar/lecture that focus specifically on love, courtship and marriage or principles that tackles about love for God, mate, brethren or neighbor. Last February, an officemate brother in faith sold me a ticket for a couple's dinner fellowhip amounting to P200.00 which he said is a project of their church's men's ministry whom he is the head. I am very supportive to most Christian gatherings like this even if it seems somewhat like a fund-raising project because I believe that God's name is glorified even in social activities as long as its teaching centered on God's Word. Realizing that the secular world is celebrating "Valentines Day" on the 14th of February and it has been so many years back when I and my husband attended such kind of gathering, I wish we could attend even if it could take us an hour and a half travel to reach the venue. But an idea strucked me when I saw an officemate who used to share to me her problems with her husband and that things are getting worst in their marriage. I gave her the ticket and encourage her to attend not minding the amount I sacrificially paid knowing that it can be a way to introduce them to the Gospel and save their relationship and at the same time supported a particular church's cause. As the occasion draws near, I'm still thinking of an idea where and how I and my husband can celebrate said special day but due to budget constraint, I decided not to plan any celebration anymore. a few days before the romantic affair, I visited my daughter's school to settle some account balance and while waiting for my receipt, a teacher told me that they will be holding a couple's fellowhip for free at a known restaurant within the community. I was surprised that the affair is for free when a dinner will be served and they said that somebody sponsored for it. When she told me to confirm my attendance, I happily agreed and it was a pleasant surprise, then she handed me the computerized invitation. In the evening of the said program, I only wear t-shirt and maong pants since we will be first attending a cell group before proceeding to the said restaurant, but much to my surprise, almost all the couples, were in their early years of marriage and wearing a semi-formal attire - seemingly - very much prepared for the said occasion so I was a little bit embarrassed and did not escape scolding from my husband who is always groomed for all occasions. The venue was arranged as if there was a formal occasion and the program - with amusing games for couples which are truly enjoyable, with lovesong numbers and background music that made the affair very romantic, with sumptuous food as if it was a wedding dinner and for finale, a simple and short exhortation from the Minister of the Word of God that truly touched our hearts, blessed our souls and rebuked us in our shortcomings as marriage partners. I was really grateful for this serendipities along our ways- an unexpected treat, I believe it was the Lord's way of blessing us and showing us that "what you sow you will reap" I sowed an invitation to a grieving friend so I reaped an all-expenses paid couple's special dinner/fellowship treat. Praise the Lord!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Love in Action - More Than a Seminar

During the month of February, most Christian churches usually conduct couple's fellowship with dinner and seminar to celebrate the theme "love". Most sermons and topics being discussed in the pulpit centered on this theme whether relationship to the brethren or to the family but mostly, to husbands and wives. A wife invited her unbeliever husband to a date without mentioning that it is a dinner fellowship to be held beside a church with invited speakers known to be holding lecture/seminar on love, courtship and marriage. The venue is very much arranged and well-prepared just like having a garden wedding: with round tables centered with beautiful flower arrangement and a very long tables for buffet dinner. A tarpaulin with pictures and artworks which speaks of the theme serves as the backdrop for the flat stage. At the far right of the stage while sitting among the round tables, the ushering table was positioned where coming guest participants still arrives from work. While the pastor started introducing his piece, the wife listens attentively to the sermon but she cann't help sneaking sideways observing her unbeliever husband, as if verifying if he's paying attention to the message . Much to her surpise, her husband's eyes glances most of the time to the remaining arriving guests and as the wife observes, her husband's attention was caught not much by the pastor's speech but was focus more to the ushering personnel as she observes how the ushers and other program coordinators welcomes the brethren with such warmth and love as they greet, laugh, hug, kiss and shake hands as if they meet again after so may years of being apart. Truly the seminar is not just about lectures on biblical principles about love, courtship and marriage, but it showcased the actual evidences of fellow believers' Christ's love in action. AMEN!!!